PhD candidate University of Glasgow

Interests : Social Europe Digital
Countries : Italy United Kingdom

Wilko is a PhD candidate in Employment Relations at the University of Glasgow and work as Graduate Teaching Assistant within the Adam Smith Business School. His research focuses on job quality and worker representation in the context of “Industry 4.0”, with a particular focus on the role of ICTs to potentially exacerbate already existing inequalities among workers. Before commencing his doctoral studies, Wilko served as research trainee at the International Labour Organization, where he worked on “Future of Work” and “Social Dialogue” related projects. Wilko holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and a master’s degree in Work, market, environment, social policies and social work, both earned from the University of Bologna. During his postgraduate studies, Wilko spent one year at the University of Tartu (Erasmus Programme) and three months in Brussels to carry out research for his final dissertation at the European Trade Union Confederation.

Trade Unions and the multiple crisis of environment, society, economy and work

Trade Unions

This policy study focuses on trade union approaches to the multiple crises in a sector critical for the sustainability transformation: aviation. Based on empirical research, the authors find that unions, under pressure to face contradictory and complex problems, take divergent positions on societal-environmental issues and their solutions - verging from social-ecological transformation-focused to defensive stances, also in their collaboration with social movements for change.

Read the paper:
Trade Unions and the multiple crisis of environment, society, economy and work

Political Mentor: EP Vice President and S&D MEP Evelyn Regner
Academic Mentor: David Bailey, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and International Studies, School of Government, University of Birmingham
